
Nuestro objetivo México, nuestra meta el mundo.


La CANAINTEX ofrece a todos sus socios, y con la finalidad de impulsar el empleo, así como el crecimiento y sustentabilidad de la cadena textil, la Cámara pone a su alcance el servicio de BOLSA DE TRABAJO para que a través de su plataforma sean publicadas las ofertas y vacantes de las empresas socias.


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The Textile Industry has as Strategic Allies, companies that are related to it, such as chemical suppliers, machinery, supplies, and others. Those companies form part of an important link of the production chain, allowing to add value to the final products.

CANAINTEX works with industry supplier companies, in order to build relations between textile industries and potential suppliers. This is possible through the creation of environments that allow the exchange of contacts with Business owners of the Fiber-Textile-Apparel Chain, on Chamber events or others conducted in cooperation with the sponsor company.

In this page you can meet our sponsors and their products, if  interested to contact with one of them or want to be a sponsor of CANAINTEX, you may contact the Management of Development of New Businesses and Affiliation, to the email: or or the phone number (55) 5280 8637 Ext. 1014.

Our Sponsors

Machinery and Software
Textile exhibitions
Financing and logistics services
Textile dyes and chemicals
Risk management services
Cotton traders
Water treatment services
Banking institutions