
Nuestro objetivo México, nuestra meta el mundo.

Business Development

La CANAINTEX ofrece a todos sus socios, y con la finalidad de impulsar el empleo, así como el crecimiento y sustentabilidad de la cadena textil, la Cámara pone a su alcance el servicio de BOLSA DE TRABAJO para que a través de su plataforma sean publicadas las ofertas y vacantes de las empresas socias.

Business Development

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With the aim of strengthening the linkage of the industry, CANAINTEX offers connection with member companies in pursuit of Textile Supply, from supplies to different industries such as aeronautic,  automotive and hotel, up to finished products for retail.

These linkages can be made in a National and International level between:

  • Member Companies
  • NonMember Companies with Member Companies
  • Retailers with Members Companies
  • Government Entities with Member Companies

Moreover, our member companies can distribute their products, services, awards received, certifications and others through the different communication platforms such as Social Media, Website, and CANAINTEX online.

If your business desires to promote their products or seeks to develop suppliers of our industry, you may send your application the Management of Development of New Businesses and Affiliation, with the Director Fernanda Ramos to the email: or the phone number (55)5280-8637 Ext. 2000.